Wilton Go Green is an all volunteer organization. Your time, big or small, adds tremendous value to our organizations future.
To volunteer or inquire about volunteer opportunities below, please email [email protected] with “Volunteer” in the subject line and let us know what interests and/or skills you would like to share.
Volunteer for an event or program

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Books & A Blanket
A partnership with Wilton Land Trust and Wilton Library Association. Wilton Go Green puts together an upcycled craft for attendees and shares a few words on our organization and any upcoming events.
When: 4x a year – One Friday morning in May, June and September 9:30 – 11:30am. One Sunday morning in October 9:30am – 11:30am.
Time Commitment: 6-10 hours total for the year.
If you have a little one(s) they are more than welcome to join.
Support: A Wilton Go Green Board member will connect you with our partners and support you during the 1st event in May. All three partners meet via zoom or email in February to deter
mine days that work best for everyone for Spring and later in year for fall dates. WGG Board Member can support with upcycled craft ideas you can carry out at the event if you would like.

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Help organize the annual paper shredding one day event for our community in the spring.
Requested Number of Chairs: 1 Co-Chair needed to join Wilton Go Green Board Member Surbhi Madhavani to run the event.
additional volunteers can be requested for the day of the event.
When: May 17,2025 at Fairfield County Bank Parking Lot with FileShred
Time Commitment:
Day of Event: 4.5 hours. Setup 8am – 9am, Event 9am – Noon, Clean Up Noon – 12:30pm
Planning time: Approximately 5-8 hours

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Tabling at Local events (e.g., Street Fair, Farmer’s Market, partner events)

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No Idling Campaign – help us organize an educational campaign for our town for a few days.
Volunteer a skill

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- Help us boost our social media (FB and IG) by creating content (static, reels, videos) at least 2x/week around our mission.
- We use Canva to create our social media. WGG Volunteer would be given access to Wilton Go Green’s Canva team.
- Content ideas would be discussed and final products reviewed prior to posting. If unfamiliar with Canva, WGG will provide training. Always open to new and exciting social media ideas.
Volunteer on a Committee

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Help coordinate 2-3 events each year with our partner Wilton Library. Speakers, panels, movie screening, open to new ideas! See past events on our website.
Time commitment varies on the type of program you are trying to put together. Green Speaker Series Chairs are expected to attend the events they coordinate.

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Help us continue our partnership with Wilton Public Schools Zero Waste Schools program as we continue to engage students, parents and staff around waste reduction initiatives.
You can join one of the school Green Teams as a Chair or Co-Chair to help organize events or be on the volunteer list as they coordinate opportunities for parents to support programs.
- Time commitment varies on your level of involvement.
Chairs – Potentially 2-4 hours a month - Volunteer – Potentially 2-4 hours a year
Join our Board

Wilton Go Green welcomes residents of Wilton and beyond, to join us in continuing to educate, engage and inspire green living.
We are an all-volunteer organization and thrive on the passion and time dedicated by our Board of Directors.
Board Committment:
- Attend monthly Board meetings (in-person and virtual) except July and August
- Chair or Co-Chair a Committee/Program/Event
- Help communicate and promote the Wilton Go Green mission and programs to the community
- Attend and actively participate in all meetings on a regular basis, programs, and events as able.
- Financially support Wilton Go Green in a manner commensurate with one’s ability and assist staff, board and community members with the fundraising activities of Wilton Go Green.
President/Co-President Position
We are actively seeking residents who would be interested in helping lead Wilton Go Green starting in 2026.
More to come on this position, it's duties and time committment.