In lieu of another year without our in-person Zero Waste Faire & Sustainable Living Expo, our Wilton Go Green Committees have put together a series of events around sustainable living for the month of March.
Upcycle Nature Crafts
Be A Part Of Nature, Not Apart From Nature
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Donna Merrill’s work in environmental conservation spans more than two decades. A Wilton resident for 36 years, she’s served as Executive Director of the Wilton Land Conservation Trust, as a Wilton Conservation Commissioner, and, under a grant from the US Forest Service, conceived of the Pollinator Pathway, brought it to Wilton in 2017, and has helped the Pathway expand to 240 municipalities across 5 states with no end in sight.
Donna believes that conservation can no longer be left to the “specialists”. She’ll show you things you can do on your own property to assure that we have healthy wildlife habitat, that our rivers and brooks provide clean drinking water, and that it’s not only possible to work at the level of our own backyards to effect great change in the larger landscape, but, in fact, it’s essential if we are to reverse the environmental threats we face.
In partnership with Wilton Library.
How Community Members Can Support Electric Vehicle Readiness In Their Towns
Friday, March 5, 2021
Daphne Dixon, Executive Director and Co-Founder Live Green Network, helps us learn the various action steps we can take to make a difference in our towns to support Electric Vehicle readiness.
The Solvable Problem of Food Waste: How We Can Help the Environment and Our Community
Thursday, March 11th
In the United States, 35% of all food goes unsold or uneaten – and most of that ends up in the trash. The impact of food waste on our climate is enormous, since food that is never eaten still requires resources to grow, harvest, transport, cool, cook, or otherwise prepare. The good news? Food waste is a solvable problem and Wilton Go Green has committed to empowering our community with the resources and tools to be a part of the climate solution by being smart about food waste. Join us for a 60 minute webinar to hear the inspiring story of former Wilton residents and founders of Millstone Farm, Betsy and Jesse Fink, venture philanthropists who have been at the forefront of the food waste issue including their founding of the national non-profit, ReFED. Learn about what can be done to reduce food waste and the impact this will have on reducing climate change, providing meals for those facing food insecurity, job creation and more.
Practical Tips for Sustainable Yards and Gardens
Friday, March 19th
Facebook Live Event
Our yards and gardens play a crucial role in restoring ecosystem health. We’ve lost 3 billion birds, our pollinators are imperiled and scientists are warning of an insect apocalypse and sixth mass extinction. During this webinar you will learn fundamental principles of sustainable yards and gardens, from planting to maintenance. Learn the why’s and how’s of unlawning, invasive removal and planting native plants, shrubs and trees to support biodiversity. Get empowered to transition to zero emissions and organic lawn care with panelists Pyoor and MowGreen. Nature needs our help; we’ll show you how.
In Partnership with Sustainne.
Rethinking Disposables in our CT Schools
Thursday, March 25th
Join us for an exploration of cafeteria food service ware to discover safe and sustainable options for your school district. Learn about (pilot) studies of various products, how to transition from single-use disposables to reusable systems and how COVID has impacted efforts in our state. Featured presenters include Mansfield Public Schools Food Service Director, Waste Free Greenwich, Rowayton Elementary Green Team, Zero Waste Schools Coalition.